Monday, July 23, 2007

Sailing Down Wind

Hello to all, this time I received this pictures from a friend and I couldn’t resist to post them so beautiful and frightening at the same time they are!!!
Take care out there…





Anonymous said...

Ahh the Selkirk Settler. Great Photos!

Luis Daniel Vale said...

The previous comment has left us a link where the images that José posted are identified with a reference to the author.

Thepilotboat recommends the visit to the above mentioned link where several great photos can be seen. Enjoy!

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Será que um dia me deixam embarcar nem que seja por um dia ou dois? É um sonho ainda por concretizar, apesar de alguns "colegas" nossos da concorrência dos "navios" e do "mar" nos prometerem sistematicamente que sim...