Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Laakdiep first call at Europe

The Portuguese flagged (Madeira Registry), German owned "Laakdiep". This brand new vessel (delivered July) made her first call at an European port (Viana) last week. Built in China, she loaded steel for several ports.
GT 5 624t
LOA 108,2m

On the first picture, waiting pilot embarkation under a convenient sunrise light. On the second picture, after a safe berthing, starboardside alongside.


Fred Fry said...

Any reason why the name on the bow is so huge?

Luis Daniel Vale said...

Hi Fred,

Being built in China they probably use the same lettering for every ship, small or big...

In fact it does not look good.



Tem feições achinesadas, o rapaz... Se os interiores forem como outro "made in China" em que andei, no qual as cadeiras se desmanchavam automáticamente após os Europeus se sentarem....

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Vão ao Atlântico Azul ver o cartaz da Real Regata das Canoas de dia 5 de Outubro de 2007! Ao longo dos próximos dias iremos colocando mais informações. Juntem-se a nós! Ah! E o Malheiro poderá receber a sua bandeira!

You are welcome to participate or join us at the Royal Race of Traditional Ships of the Tagus! More information at Atlântico Azul!

Fred Fry said...

It does not look good.

Then again, it does make it easier for other ships to read it. But that is what AIS is for.