Some old ships still have the beautiful brass shining all over the bridge. If well kept they become classic ships instead of old rust buckets.
This beautiful magnetic compass belongs to "Kormoran" a small 40 years old (classic) vessel that brought the main engine for one of the Viana Shipyard newbuilding.
Check out these engine controls!
You know, some of the tasks that are carried out in the morning aboard portuguese training ship CREOULA is to shine brass!... We use a product called «Coração» and it is so great when we see the compass and other indoors and outdoor equipments shining like GOLD!!!...
Oh I miss Creoula so much... and I miss the sea, I can never get enough of it!
When I was at sea there was always a sailor in charge of cleaning the brass... or as we use to say "limpar os amarelos".... the two Portuguese sister vessels "Galp Leixões" and "Galp Sines" had lots of "amarelos" to shine on the bridge. And you know what? We used the secret product "Coração"!
Foi o KORMORAN que trouxe a máquina principal destinada ao CORVO novo, não foi?
Gosto muito de navios antigos, se possível enquadrados na categoria dos clássicos...
É isso mesmo Luís Miguel Correia, o Kormoran trouxe a MPP do Corvo. Aliás o mesmo navio já trouxe outras máquinas para outros navios. Ainda estive à espera para tirar uma foto quando a grua levantasse a máquina mas foi tudo tão rápido que perdi o "shot"...
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